Slimey Hatch Studios


Slimey Hatch Studios

Local Hub: ACM Games Academy London


Draw your character called an Arjybeast and Fight to delete other Arjybeasts to win. The RGB values of your Arjybeast determine the moves you can use. Red is physical attacking moves, blue is special moves and green is defensive moves. Arjybeasts has an immersive turn-based combat experience with mind-boggling effects and a unique art style that will set your pants on fire if you call it ugly.

Team Bio

A Games Development team consisting of: Sam Glancey (co-director, pretentious programmer) Harry Stott (co-director, dummy designer), and Kristian Baird (Multi-skilled wonder boy) We all studied at ACM London where we taught ourselves the secrets of Unity and the recipe for how to apply elbow grease effectively to produce a polished product. Uni didn’t do much to help us but we wouldn’t have met if it wasn’t for them. Since starting uni, we spent all our spare time developing, refining, researching and testing so that we wouldn’t feel the whiplash of the games industry coming out of university.

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