Pigme Studios

Pigme Studios

Local Hub: Falmouth University, Games Academy

Our Little Garden Shop

Welcome to the village! Though you’re new here, the locals are already counting on your help. Take your place in the community by running the village garden shop and fulfilling their needs. Nurture your plants, harvest and package them into personalised boxes, and complete urgent requests for all the friendly faces in the village—like the ambitious chef aiming to elevate village cuisine or the teenager with a secret passion for gardening. With grounded mechanics and authentic British gardening practices, this game offers a refreshing twist on the genre. Experience the charm of village life and see for yourself!

Team Bio

PigMe Studios are a group of game developer alumni from Falmouth University, continuing the successful team dynamic we honed in our final year at university.

The team consists of:

  • Juliette Stevens – Artist
  • Harry Croker – Programmer
  • Deri Burrow – Programmer
  • Lowenna Whitehead – Programmer
  • Michael Bull – Team Lead / Designer

Our team are award winning developers with an aim to create engaging gameplay experiences whilst keeping a healthy development environment. We don’t fit our games into their respective genre moulds, instead we take inspiration from the gaming greats and create innovative experiences that players will remember.

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