
ProtoPlay is brought to you by UK Games Talent and Finance CIC as part of Tranzfuser.

What is ProtoPlay?

ProtoPlay 2024 sees our Tranzfuser teams showcase their projects both online via Protoplay Live and at our in-person event in Dundee. Protoplay is part of the Tranzfuser, delivered by UK Games Talent and Finance CIC (UKGTF). The aim of Tranzfuser is to provide an annual shot of top talent into the UK games development ecosystem.

This year ProtoPlay showcases the work of 19 teams of entrepreneurial graduate game developers who have worked over the summer on their games and businesses. Teams have been working across the UK with the aim of producing a polished prototype of their own game IP project.

Tranzfuser is set up to supply a graduate talent pipeline to self-enterprise with selected teams being invited to pitch to the UK Games Fund for prototype grant funding of up to £25,000.

A successful pitch to the UK Games Fund can lead to the team forming a start-up company and taking their idea forward supported by a grant of up to £25,000 for the further development of their game. 

Protoplay Live will feature all 19 teams as part of a live access-all-areas stream. More information about dates and times to follow.